Win in 2024
GADC Ways to Volunteer-Doing or Assisting
We are at a Crossroads in our country and state. Does Democracy and the rule of law prevail? Or, do we let dishonest and power focused Republicans continue to take away our rights, isolate our country, and make us less safe? Winning at the ballot box is the only recourse we have. Every fair minded able-bodied Democrat must participate if we are going to prevail. Learn how you can make a difference when you take our survey at the meeting. Democracy works if we all contribute. Survey by Nancy Fisher, Come to Main Street Cafe at 627 Main Street Tuesday January 9 at 6PM to order food and meeting starts at 6:30.
Saturday January 13 MLK Parade
Sign up for MLK Parade Saturday January 13. We need walkers and drivers. We have some t-shirts, water and bananas for the participants in the parade. Come out and enjoy the parade and the crowds. Sign up on Sign Up Genius in our Mail Chimp emails. Averie Bishop, candidate for House District 112 will have her own car and will be in the parade with us. We will meet at Manuel & Maria Valle Student Services Center, 720 Stadium Dr at 8:40 am. We will proceed to Austin Academy 1125 Beverly Dr at 9:00 am and the parade starts at 10:00. Parade is about 2 miles and ends at Granville Arts Center.
New Membership Year
We are excited about starting a new year and it is time to pay dues for the coming year. Use the QR code on the table at the meeting to sign up for $25.00 a year plus $20.00 per family member or be a sustaining member at $10.00 a month. Sign up for $!0.00 a month at the meeting and we will give you a free GADC t-shirt. To join without a QR code go to Or pay by check at the meeting.
The last election cycle we were able to give over $3.400 dollars to Democratic candidates. We attended July 4th celebrations, registered voters, marched and drove in parades, bought magnetic signs, paid for literature and printing, parade fees and bought giveaway door prizes. Your yearly dues make all of this possible.
Hunger in Garland
We recognize there are many food insecure people in our community. You will be asked to bring specific food items to each meeting to help meet that need. Cheryl Goldwater will be communicating with Good Samaritans in Garland each month to let us know items needed. This month cereal is the need. Bring 2 or 3 boxes of cereal to the meeting Tuesday January 9. Last month GADC made a cash donation to Good Samaritans. We donated half the money made off Political Bingo. We will announce the amount of that donation at the January meeting.
Meet Fellow Democrats For Lunch-Blue Fedora
Every Thursday join fellow Democrats at Jason’s Deli 165 S Plano Rd. for a casual lunch and conversation. At noon look for the Blue Fedora on the table and enjoy good food and Democratic company. GADC member Larry Simpson hosts GADC and Richardson Democrats each Thursday,
Saturday Zoom Coffee-Cuss and Discuss Politics
Every Saturday GADC member Doug Davis hosts a zoom coffee at 9 am. We have current office holders, candidates and regular folk like you join in our topical and fun conversations. Doug emails invitations to members and guests every Friday. If you have never attended a meeting and want an invitation email Doug at and be included.